
coretlah apa yang terlintas... satu terapi untuk menenangkan prasaan.. hee~ sesungguhnyer.. law ade terasa i'm really sorry... bukan niat... juz wanna to confess!!

Jumaat, 26 Jun 2015

Tips jawab ELC 500.

Alhamdulillah.. Selesai juga my 1st paper today.. Paper ELC 500 ...
Btw... Paper niyh subjek pasal apa jak??
Ok, act ini paper like subjek English for SPM and MUET  for STPM..
even da masuk UNI pun kena ambil ENGLISH subjek.. Huhuhu...
Dah lah my weakness is English subjek...
Btw, sebelum aku amnesia.. Naa share kat sini tips2 camner naa jawab paper niyh..
Aku taknak lah nanti ilmu yang terbuang begitu saja kan...

Actually.. Tips niyh semua dapat dari members...
Tak perlu nak hafal kamus.. Hanya perlu FAHAM macam mana cara nak jawab and u can make it..
Hahah... Aku pun esok naa exam malam tuh baru nak telaah.. Tapi, alhamdulillah.. Berkat doa parents, lectures and tips from members.. At least boleh jawab.. Tiada ruang kosong at least..
Btw, bagi candidates , korang dibenarkan bawa kamus english-english sahaja..dan ini sebenarnya sudah cukup memadai..
Tahu  tips n faham cara jawab- - x perlu  baca semua info.. Cukup ambil keyword to remember..
See at the keyword of the question ok..!

Lets start..

1. Identifying the topic..
>Reka tajuk sendiri

2. Locating topic sentence
>Copy balik smua, TS ada dlm paragraph sama ada awal/ tengah/ akhir perenggan

3. Identifying main idea
Main idea ada DUA, kalau dia nak
>Implied main idea: kena buat sendiri
>Stated main idea: copy balik dari paragraph. it could be anywhere in paragraph
>tips: MI DOESN'T provide details n examples

4. Identifying major minor ideas
>Major: directly link with MI, essential info, explain the MI, not dependent of other sentences in the text
>Minor: indirectly link with MI, non-essential, explain the major idea, depend on other sentences in the text

5. Fact n opinion
>Fact type of support: statistic, research finding, expert testimony, historical data, scientific theory, geographical info, laws n rules
>State the reason: can be verified because/ by eg: statistic
>Opinion type of support: expert opinion (✅ be verified), non-expert opinion (difficult to verified)
State the reason : ❎ be varified, judment word "__", posibility word "__"

6. Determining author's purpose ☝
to inform: author present specific detail abt the subject
>to instruct: author explain step by step how to do something
>to entertain: author provide pleasurable reading
> to persuade: author trying to convince readers to do or believe

7. Author's tone
If author's purpose is to:-
>Instruct: the tone; enthusiatic, eager, passionate
>Persuade; serious, concerned, anxious, angry
>Inform; neutral, objective, serious
>Entertain; mocking sarcastic, cynical, humorous.

8. Pattern of paragraph organization
Cause n effect: eloborating c & e
Time sequence: timeline ; year, monthly, century
Listing: factor, name, example, 1stly, 2ndly
Comparison & contrast: compare / differ
Tp xbelajar author's tone

kalau soalan tanya pasal fact atau opinion beserta explaination. Ni cara jawab :
1) Fact because it can be verified by referring to the research done by ...
2) opinion because of the signal words ... which indicates the statement from researcher's view.

Kalau dekat soalan tanya pasal words mean, if dia adjective, jawapan pun mesti in adjective. Tgk pada kamus ada tulis noun atau adjective.

Kalau implied main idea, kalau nak tahu topic sentence celah mana, basically dia ada di first paragraph and last paragraph yg mana dia restated semula the idea.

Kalau soalan tanya, what does the senteces mean, maknanya kita kena paraphrase semula ayat tu.

Btw, bawah niyh contoh page depan paper past year punyer..
See, 2 hours only.. And honestly i siap setengah jam awal tadi.. Heheh.. N onestly i sebenarnyer x sempat hadam lagi tips2 niyh sebab tuh ada rasa kesal sedikit dalam hati ini.. Hwaaahh.. Brapa banyak lah yg akan salah nanti.?!. Mm..
I actually baca skema jawapan  untuk pastyear and faham kan cara jawab nyer aje.. Huhu.. -- nyesal x baca tips dengan lebih proper.. Kalau tak mesti lagi confident kan?!
Kalau korang nak skema jawapan for past year.. Boleh jer mintak nanti i emel. Tapi ive juz have a few.. Itu pun sebab dapat dr my beloved lec yang baik hati... Sayang Dr. ......  <3 ...
Harap entri ini bermanfaat..

P/s: bertawakal selepas berusaha.. Doalah secara berterusan sesungguhnya kita makhluk yang bergantung kepada-Nya...

Disebabkan blog ini kurang aktif,  if korang ada request ker apa, Sila terus emelkan terus di hannypiece@gmail.com
Terbukti lebih cepat dan berkesan. In sya Allah.